Strainer Screens Changing Colors Per New Global Standard

Apache Sprayers Straining Screens Colors Header Image

They’re small yet essential components of an Apache Sprayer, but a recent mandated change to strainer screen color-coding causing some big headaches for operators looking for the right replacement parts for their machines. But, not to worry: operators can look to their Apache specialists to find clarity on the recent change.

Effective August 2016, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) implemented a universal color-coding system – ISO 19732 – for strainer screens across all manufacturers. Prior to the new standards, color coding varied by manufacturer, size, type and mesh size. The variation caused a lot of confusion for manufacturers, distributors and operators, says Equipment Technologies Application Parts Specialist Gary McKinney. And though the color code change has been around for more than a year, it’s still causing some angst among owners and operators.

“They all had their own color code systems for strainers, and nobody’s matched,” McKinney says. “This new ISO system with universal color codes is going to be good in the long term.”

Short-term Challenges

In the shorter term, the color change has caused issues for both operators and distributors called upon to fill their strainer screen needs, for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a change that some operators simply see as a hassle.

“Some operators have been reluctant, but others who are more accustomed to change have embraced the new color codes much more easily,” McKinney says. “They’re the same parts that operators are used to, just different colors.”

Inventory management challenges also arose once the ISO change went into effect. Some strainer screen manufacturers still have a lot of inventory from before the change went into effect. Moving inventory of both color schemes to customers sometimes creates confusion for operators replacing the parts on their sprayers.

“We still have old stock coming from a couple manufacturers and we’re seeing the new colors mixed in. That sometimes creates confusion for customers, but we can explain it and they get what they need. Manufacturers are doing a good job of marking the tip strainers with the mesh size, and that helps a great deal.”

Consistency on Its Way

How long will this mixed inventory situation last? It depends on the size and model of the strainer screen in question. More common sizes will be completely transitioned to the new color code system sooner than less common, more obscure sizes. At some point in the near future, McKinney expects the older inventory will likely be liquidated and all strainer screens available to customers will adhere to the new color coding system.

“Popular model numbers are pretty much sold down, but it looks like manufacturers are going to try to work through remaining inventory manufactured before the change,” he says. “It’s just what’s going on in the industry. We’ll get through it and we’ll continue to work with our customers to get through it.”

Replacing strainer screens

There’s no hard, fast rule for replacing strainer screens. A lot depends on overall sprayer hours of operation, how long it takes the operator to reach that hour total, and what chemicals are applied in that time. Some products can be more damaging to strainer screens over time than others. That’s why it’s important to inspect your sprayer’s strainer screens regularly. Look for both damage to the screens themselves, as well as to gaskets connecting them to spray nozzles.

Also, watch sprayer pressure for signs that you have failing strainer screens. If pressure builds while the sprayer is parked, but quickly dissipates once it begins to move, that’s a sign that screens are either clogged, damaged or simply worn to the point of replacement.

Do you think you might need new sprayer strainer screens? If so, start by contacting your nearest Apache Sprayers dealer here.



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A Man of Many Firsts: Meet Gary Grant

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Being the first to do anything usually sparks a special sense of accomplishment, so it’s no surprise that Ohio Valley Ag Parts Manager, Gary Grant takes pride in the many firsts he’s accrued from his years with Equipment Technologies (ET).

“I came to work at Ohio Valley Ag (OVA) when we opened the branch in February 2007, but I’ve been associated with ET and Apache Sprayers since the prototype days,” Grant said. Before Grant began his tenure at OVA, he owned G & L Equipment in Owensboro, Kentucky.

“I helped test Apache Sprayer prototypes before the company was officially formed in 1997,” Grant said. “Then I became the first Apache dealer that was ever set up. We actually picked up the first unit and sold the first Apache that was ever built.” He later sold the business in 2001.

“After coming onto the team as the Parts Manager, my job was, and continues to be, to ensure our farmer customers have access to all the parts that they need to get the job done,” Grant explained. “I was happy to take the job and come back to work near a product I got to help bring in to the marketplace.”

Grant said although the days can be long, it’s worth it to be a part of the company’s culture and legacy.

“The purpose of this job is all about providing support to Apache Sprayers and their owners and that’s something I enjoy,” Grant said. “The ag industry is unique — I could probably give you 100 names of people who started working in the industry and never left. I grew up on a farm and it was the same thing for me — once you’re in ag, you just don’t want to get out.”

Plus, with so many continuous product developments and improvements, Grant only sees success in the future for ET.

“I think the new Bruin Sprayers are going to be a huge success for us — it’s going to give us the opportunity to get into more of the custom application business versus strictly just end-user farmers,” Grant explained. “It’s a huge opportunity to grow our customer base.”

According to Grant, the number of people who have come to ET and stayed for years is also a perfect testament to the company’s focus on its team members.

“Equipment Technologies is such a generous company to work for — they take their employee and customer relations very seriously,” Grant said. “If you need help with anything, the training is there and the management is there, so it’s a very supportive company to work for.”

Check out the Apache Blog for more articles and up-to-date industry news.


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How to Winterize a Sprayer: Essential Apache Sprayer Guide

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Proper sprayer winterization of the application system helps to prevent damage due to freezing. Please follow this Apache Winterization Guide to protect your sprayer this winter.

The spray system may contain as many as five separate plumbing loops, or circuits, that are all related to the application system. Thorough flushing of each loop is essential to proper winterization.

The Five Loops:

  1. Main product delivery loop (pump, main strainer, flow meter, control valve, boom shut-off valves and boom plumbing)
  2. Rinse loop (rinse plumbing and roto-flush nozzles in the product tank)
  3. Agitation loop (electric agitation valve, manual agitation valve at rear of tank, agitation / roto-flush selection valve at the fill station)
  4. Product pump vent circuit
  5. Chemical eductor circuit (if equipped)

Apache Sprayer Winterization Guide:

  1. Make sure the sprayer (product tank, strainers, and booms) has been properly rinsed of all chemicals that have been recently applied.


  1. Drain all of the remaining liquid from the product and rinse tanks.


  1. Close the electric agitation and main sump valves. Then, turn off your sprayer.


  1. Connect an air hose to the main fill valve, open the valve and apply 40-60 psi to the liquid system.


  1. Turn on the spray controller or field computer, turn off all of the boom section switches and turn on the master spray switch.


  1. Turn on the individual boom section switches one at a time and allow the air to push the water out through the nozzle bodies and spray tips. After the water stops draining, turn the switch off and on three to four times to help release any water trapped behind the ball of the valve.


  1. Put approximately 40 gallons of RV antifreeze in the product tank and about 5 gallons into the rinse tank. Put 3 gallons in the chemical eductor if it is equipped with one. RV antifreeze is not intended to be diluted with water, so purge as much water as possible from the system before adding the antifreeze.


  1. Open the main sump valve and the agitation circuit valve. Put the product pump source handle in the product to “pump” position. Be sure all of the boom section switches and the master spray switch are off and turn off the controller or field computer. Start the machine and turn on the product pump.


  1. Re-start the product controller or field computer. If necessary, start a job and place the controller or field computer in the “manual” operating mode.


  1. Be sure the manual agitation valve at the rear of the tank is open and that the agitation valve on the fill station panel is in the open position, then completely open the electric agitation valve using the controls inside the cab. Allow the RV antifreeze to flush through the agitation circuit for approximately two minutes. Open and close the manual valve on the back of the tank 3-4 times to help flush water from around the valve, then leave the valve open. Close the electric agitation valve using the controls in the cab, then open the valve again part way. Turn the agitation valve on the fill station to the roto-flush position.


  1. Move the product pump source handle on the fill station to the “rinse to pump” position. Allow the pump to pull RV antifreeze from the rinse tank for 10-15 seconds, then move the valve back to the “product to pump” position. Run the pump for approximately two minutes to flush the rinse circuit, then move the agitation/rotoflush valve back to the agitation position. The vent circuit will be self-flushing since it is continually sending liquid through the vent line anytime the pump is running.


  1. If the machine is equipped with a chemical eductor, be sure that all eductor valves are closed and that the RV antifreeze has been loaded into the eductor hopper. Open the eductor inlet valve located at the bottom of the eductor in-line with the inlet plumbing, and open the eductor diverter valve located at the fill station. Be sure the hopper lid is closed, then open the eductor outlet valve at the bottom of the hopper. After 30 seconds, close all three valves and open the hopper lid to see if it has emptied out.
    NOTE: If the machine will be stored outside during the winter, remove one of the lines at the bottom of the eductor and open the outlet valve at the bottom of the hopper so that any snow, ice or rain that may seep into the eductor hopper can drain.


  1. To flush the main plumbing system and booms, be sure all of the boom section switches are turned off, turn on the master spray switch, then turn on the No. 1 boom section switch. Allow this section to spray until RV antifreeze is coming from all of the spray tips, then turn off the No. 1 section switch and turn on the No. 2 section switch. Allow it to spray until RV antifreeze is coming from all of the spray tips. Continue repeating this procedure through the remainder of the section switches until all boom sections have been flushed with RV antifreeze.


  1. If the machine is equipped with liquid system pressure gauges outside the cab, turn off the product pump momentarily then remove the plastic tubing going to the gauges. Turn the product pump back on and allow it to run until RV antifreeze is coming out the ends of the tubing. Turn the product pump back off.


  1. Follow the remaining steps to finish sprayer winterization:
  • Remove the pressure gauges (if equipped) and store them in a warm place.
  • Cap the ends of the gauge tubing and plug the gauge ports to keep debris from collecting in them.
  • Remove the boom strainer bowls and the main Y strainer bowl from the machine and store them in a dry place. Take time to clean the strainers, if needed.
  • Remove the rate controller or field computer from the cab and store it in a warm, dry place.

Antifreeze Tips from an Apache Sprayer Application Specialist 

Even though they are all ultimately connected, each circuit – product, eductor and rinse tank – should be individually rinsed and filled with antifreeze when winterizing the machine. It’s important to watch closely to make sure you’re running enough antifreeze through each system to ensure cleanliness and winter preparedness, according to Apache Sprayers Senior Application Specialist John Casebolt.

“I want to set up PWM to 100 percent, that way I’m producing all the flow it can produce in order to get flow through the product system through the ball valves and out the nozzle control valves,” he said. “I want to switch my nozzle PWM to 100 percent, then go to manual mode, turn on my master spray switch, then I’ll turn the boom sections on one at a time. I will watch my booms spray until I’m satisfied with a solid, consistent spray of antifreeze fluid coming from the nozzles. Once I’ve done that, I can then move on to the second section and so on.”

Casebolt recommended allowing at least two minutes of spray time for each boom section to enable enough antifreeze to move through and remove any water or chemical remaining in the tanks and booms.

Each circuit includes different functions important to address in winterizing your sprayer. For example, the product circuit features an agitation function, and it’s important to engage it in flushing the system with antifreeze.

“Since we’ll have the product pump running on the machine when winterizing it, I’ll turn on the main sump valve so it’s not running dry,” Casebolt said. “I’ll turn my Rotorflush valve to agitation, then turn on my product pump and it will begin running and moving product through. Then I’ll open up my agitation valve, so I can begin to get that antifreeze flowing through that valve and the tank and agitation tubing. I’ll allow it to circulate for two or three minutes — enough time to get any remaining water purged out, flushed into the tank and have that agitation circuit completely full of antifreeze.”

The same is true with the machine’s Rotorflush circuit as well as the chemical eductor circuit. Each has unique components that are essential to address in making sure you’re adequately winterizing your Apache Sprayer.

Once your sprayer is adequately cleaned and has the necessary antifreeze to prevent damage from freezing temperatures over the winter, it’s time to turn your attention to other components that can be damaged during the winter.

Hear more from Casebolt on how to add antifreeze to preserve your application circuits here, or move on to our third winterization video for the final steps.

A Job Well Done

This completes the sprayer winterization process. If you prefer to leave these important tasks to the experts, contact your Apache Sprayer dealer about servicing your sprayer. Apache technicians know how to best protect your equipment investment.

For more information about the importance of winterization, please read part I of this sprayer winterization blog series.



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Winterization: A Critical Step in Sprayer Maintenance

Apache Sprayers Winterization A Critical Step in Sprayer Maintenance Header

What is the biggest mistake to be made in ag sprayer maintenance? Skipping the sprayer winterization process. Besides helping you get a jump start on the busy season, winterizing and storing your Apache Sprayer can prevent damage caused by freezing temperatures, improve longevity and ensure your resale value.

“Winterizing a sprayer can become an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ situation, but colder temperatures have a way of sneaking up on us,” said John Casebolt, Equipment Technologies Senior Application Specialist. “Completing the winterization process as soon as your sprayer usage is done for the year will ensure the best-case scenario.”

Proper winterization can be done anytime following the last round of spraying in late summer or fall, but before the overnight temperatures begin dropping below the freezing point of water (32° F or 0° C), since water is the most common carrier for agricultural chemicals.

“Some people believe that plastic plumbing may not burst as easily because it is more flexible than stainless steel,” Casebolt said. “There are other folks who believe that stainless steel won’t freeze as easily because it is tougher. The truth is that both are susceptible to freezing, then splitting or bursting.”

Each step in the Apache winterization process is important to follow in order to successfully protect the spray system components against freeze damage. Not following each step and thoroughly purging each loop of the spray system can leave some of the liquid system plumbing and components vulnerable to cracking or bursting.

“The people who most often get hit with freeze damage are those who live in warmer climates where winters are typically milder and a sudden or early freeze catches them off guard,” Casebolt said. “Or it may be a dealer who has taken in a late-season trade and the owner had not winterized the machine.”

Avoiding winterizing because you live in an area where freezing temperatures are rare is a risky game to play.

“All it takes is one hard freeze and the next spring their plumbing system looks more like a sprinkler than a sprayer,” Casebolt said. “Over the years I have seen cast iron product pumps freeze and crack (about $1,400 to replace). I have seen flow meters and control valves crack (about $500 and $450, respectively, for standard Apache equipment). I have seen stainless steel boom plumbing freeze, swell to 1.5 times its normal size, then split. I have seen rectangular rinse tanks that were full of water freeze and swell until they were almost round because someone forgot to drain them. I have seen almost every clamped joint on a plumbing system have ice hanging from it because of poor, or a lack of, proper winterization.”

One of the less obvious problems that come as a result of frozen wet system plumbing and components is the timing of the repairs that need to be made.

“A grower or operator might take their machine out of storage one day, expecting to put water and chemical in it to spray the next day only to find the damage,” Casebolt said. “Now they have to wait for those repairs to be made while they know they should be in the field — it’s rough.”

With RV antifreeze costing anywhere from $3 to $10 per gallon (depending on brand, composition and quantity), a few hundred dollars for antifreeze and a couple of hours of work is money and time well spent when you consider the alternative.

“Some people choose to winterize using a liquid fertilizer combination that usually includes a form of nitrogen,” Casebolt said. “From a standpoint of preventing freeze up it can work quite well, but corrosiveness and ‘gumming up’ may be an issue when it is left in the system over the course of the winter. I would stick to the Apache winterization recommendations.

No matter how you choose to approach sprayer winterization, it’s important that you do it before bone-chilling temperatures settle in. Remember, if you take care of your application equipment, it will help you take care of your crops season after season.

“When all is said and done, proper winterizing is a good preventive for unexpected, and sometimes costly, springtime repairs,” Casebolt said.

For more information and instructions on how to winterize your Apache Sprayer, read part II.

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The Argument for Fall Spraying + Tips for Success

Do's & Don'ts of Fall Spraying

Most growers are gearing up for fall spraying, but there are a few hold outs who don’t see the point, we’ve got some news for you — fall applications are extremely beneficial. Allow us to tell you why (plus, we’ve got a few tips for you).

Control Weeds, Insects and Corn Residue

While fall treatments help prevent winter annuals and weeds to keep fields clean through spring planting, this application period can include more than just weed treatments. By applying nitrogen to corn stubble, growers can boost decomposition to knock down corn residue and weeds at the same time.

“Fall spraying tends to be more enjoyable than in the spring — you’re not in a huge rush and you can take more time to do a better job,” said Chris Weaver, Apache Sprayers Application Parts Specialist.

Additionally, when heavy weed cover blankets spring fields, soils remain cool longer, delaying tillage operations and planting. Some winter weeds also provide a haven for insects that attack emerging crops.

Enjoy the Flexibility

More often than not, spring tends to cause undue stress when Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate. Cold and wet conditions can push planting dates, resulting in a shorter timeframe for pre-plant herbicide applications, leading to more growers adding a fall herbicide application into their weed control programs. If you plan for a fall herbicide application and the weather doesn’t allow it, growers still have their spring application to set things right.

“Fall herbicide applications provide a head start on weed control,” Weaver said. “If you’re only counting on spring pre-plant applications and weather keeps you at bay, you have no back up plan.”

Check Your Flow Control System

Before starting, Weaver suggests growers check their sprayer’s flow control system to make sure it is working properly. Application rates are critical for spraying the right amount of nitrogen and herbicides so growers get the most from those applications without wasting product.

“The flow control system regulates the applied gallons per acre and prevents the sprayer from over- or under-applying,” Weaver explained.

To check the flow control system, start spraying while the machine is sitting still. Open the manual control screen on the rate controller and increase or decrease the rate, looking to see if the spray pressure responds as it should. That will ensure the control valve is working. As this is happening (usually on the same screen), look at the value for gallons per minute and make sure the reading is not zero. If so, the flowmeter is working properly.

Be Mindful of the Weather

“Typically, I like to get my fall applications done right after harvest,” Weaver said. “In my experience, the warmer the daytime temperature is, the better the results. I like a temperature of 55 or higher for fall applications — otherwise it seems like the chemicals don’t work as well.”

Weaver also said to stay on top of frost forecasts in the weather reports to make sure you avoid freezing your sprayer lines.

Check out the Apache Blog for more articles and up-to-date industry news.


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Whether you are top dressing wheat or doing pre-plant herbicide applications, there are a few things to remember when servicing sprayer nozzles and tips. To help our customers solve some of the most prevalent problems in the field, the Apache Sprayer team got together with additional experts within the industry to gather the best tips for nozzle care throughout the year.


Start the season by running clean water through the sprayer and at the end of each spraying day, to thoroughly clean the spray tips. Chemicals will eventually gum up the tip and cause uneven spray patterns or, worse, plug the tip completely.

Always use water or compressed air to clean a spray tip. Using sharp objects such as a pocket knife or a piece of wire will cause damage to the tip. With proper care, you can extend the life of spray tips significantly.

“Most problems with spray tips are a result of a lack of maintenance and calibration,” said TeeJet Technologies Manufacturer Representative, Bryan Fowler. “Taking a close look at the spray pattern for consistency and distribution across the boom will alert you to the problem sooner and help you avoid poor application results. Many times, it can be difficult to look at a tip and actually see a problem.”

The Importance of Nozzle Cleaning

“Nozzles need to be protected from plugging through the use of strainers upstream of the nozzle,” Smart said. “But even with proper straining, nozzles can sometimes plug. Nozzles that come apart easily (without the need for tools) and that have visible metering orifices will speed up the cleaning process. Air, water and the occasional broom straw or toothbrush is all that should be used for cleaning.”

Boom Height and Sprayer Nozzle Correlations 

Smart says boom height is also important to create a uniform distribution of the spray with your selected nozzle.

“A good rule of thumb for 110-degree nozzles is matching the nozzle spacing to the boom height,” Smart said. “So, for 20-inch spacing, a minimum 20-inch boom height will ensure uniformity along the length of the boom. Keeping the boom as close as possible to this target will also maximize coverage, penetration and drift control.”

Sprayer Nozzle Tests and Checks 

Fowler suggests performing a catch test on a few of the tips to better analyze the issue. A catch test uses a catch cup over the nozzle to measure output and flow rates.

“It is a good practice to perform a catch test on a few of the tips; if a few are out of specification by more than 10 percent, then it is time to replace them,” Fowler said.

“This means that a tip that is rated to spray 0.4 GPM (ex. XR8004) at 40 psi is actually spraying 0.45 GPM, it should be replaced. If more than a few tips on the boom are performing this way, all of the tips on the boom are probably worn and will need to be replaced.”

It’s very hard to detect nozzle wear by sight alone as there can be very little evidence of wear. Greenleaf Technologies Regional Sales Manager William Smart agrees that nozzle checks are an essential part of upkeep, but also stresses the use of strains and boom height adjustments to prevent malfunctions.

Apache Spray Nozzle Pressure Issues and Chemical Buildup 

A pressure drop in your Apache sprayer can really put a kink in proper spray coverage. When this happens, it’s likely due to a chemical sediment build up clogging the strainers in the nozzle tips. Apache sprayers are equipped with the solution.

To help keep nozzle tips from becoming blocked, each boom section includes a 1-inch strainer with a 50-mesh screen and a 2-inch full-port Banjo® main product strainer with a 50-mesh screen.

“If the 2-inch strainers become clogged the boom pressure could drop, if the 1-inch section strainers become clogged the boom pressure could increase,” said Gary Grant, Ohio Valley Ag Equipment Specialist. “Both could result in poor spray pattern and inaccurate application rate problems. Anytime you recognize a pressure change in your normal operating range, strainer clogs or other blockage factors need to be addressed immediately.”

If chemical build up still occurs, it’s time to remove the strainers and clean them. This is done by soaking the strainers in a large bucket filled with water and a small amount of dishwashing liquid for around 20 minutes. Most of the sediment will dissolve.

What doesn’t dissolve can be scrubbed away with a cleaning brush. To prevent this problem from happening in the future, run the rinse tank on the sprayer to clean out the booms if you think the sprayer will be sitting idle for two (or more) days. If your sprayer is parked for a longer period of time, run the agitation in the tank to keep the tank mix stirred.

Quick Tips for Nozzle Care

  • Run the rinse tank to clean booms if there has been significant downtime between sprays.
  • Run the tank agitation function if the sprayer has been idle for several days.
  • Remove and clean strainers with dishwashing liquid and water if clogs persist.

Need Help With Any Sprayer Issues?  

For questions and concerns about your Apache sprayer pressure, please contact your closest Apache dealer for assistance.

For more information, check out our handy white paper.

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Employee Spotlight: Meet Adam Kivett

A lot can happen in two decades. While most people change jobs three or more times in 20 years, Director of Manufacturing Adam Kivett has held strong with his dedication and loyalty to ET Works, but if you ask him — he’s just “lucky”.Adam Kivett in front of an Apache Sprayer

“I think I just kind of got lucky finding a job with ET,” Kivett said. “I was just out of college and I was looking for a job in agriculture because that’s what my background has been in my whole life. I heard ET Works was looking to hire from my college roommate, Jeremy Hurt.”

Hurt, is a Senior Application Specialist and has also been with the company for 20 years. In fact, he started just a couple weeks before Kivett back in 1997.

“When I first started there was maybe seven or eight guys on the team,” Kivett said. “There wasn’t really a title. I would just call what I did ‘general labor’ or a ‘mechanic’ working with the machinery. It was really cool, because I got to do a lot of different stuff. Since the team was so small I got exposed to all of the inner workings of the Apache Sprayer.”

But as the company grew, so did Kivett’s role. In the first few years Kivett was tackling various manufacturing processes (like assembling and welding) and then he eventually started helping with inventory management. In the last 15 years, Kivett says that although his title has changed several times, his job description hasn’t.

“I’ve been a Production Supervisor, and then I think I was a Manufacturing Manager for a while, and then I was a Plant Supervisor,” Kivett said. “Around four years ago, I became the Director of Manufacturing and started managing everything to do with our manufacturing process — things like quality, fabrication, safety, building maintenance and inventory. I’m not sure how relevant all those previous job titles were — to put it simply I’ve been in charge of the plant and the shop floor and everything to do with it for around the last 15 years.”

Even though he’s earned his stripes in the company, Kivett says he’s still learning every day and enjoys the variety that comes with his position.

“It’s a pretty interesting gig in that it’s never the same; no two days are alike,” Kivett said. “I work a lot with my team leaders and managers. I’ve never been the type of guy that likes to do a lot of office work, so I’m on the floor the majority of the day. If we’re shorthanded I’ll fill in and I might do some welding from time to time, or maybe I’ll be out in quality control working on some prototype stuff.”

Kivett says he likes being out in the plant, because that’s where you see things firsthand and get ideas.

“I like to stay hands on,” Kivett explained. “I want to continue to feel knowledgeable in all areas, so I can bring new ideas to the group.”

With his 20-year work anniversary behind him, Kivett is looking to the next 20 at ET to keep him on his toes.

“I’ve been here so long — this place is kind of like my second family,” Kivett said. “I really enjoy getting to help farmers try to do things in a better way with our equipment. From ’97 to now, Apache has done a lot of things to help do that. I really can’t see myself doing anything else.”

Check out the Apache Blog for more articles and up-to-date industry news.

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Sprayer Nozzle Selection 101

Selecting the proper sprayer nozzle type is essential for proper pesticide application. The nozzle is a major factor in:

  • Determining the amount of spray applied
  • Uniform application
  • Coverage reaching its target surface

Nozzles break the liquid into droplets, form the spray pattern, and propel the droplets in the proper direction. They also determine the amount of spray volume at a given operating pressure, travel speed and spacing. Drift can be minimized by selecting nozzles that produce the largest droplet size while providing adequate coverage at the intended application rate and pressure.

We want to help you find the perfect nozzle for your application, so we’ve researched each type to give you a better idea about the pros, cons and overall differences.

Best Sprayer Nozzles for Applying Herbicides

  • Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzles (Even, Twin-Orifice, Off-Center, Air-Induction)
  • Flood Sprayer Nozzles
  • Hollow-Cone
  • Full-Cone

Download our Nozzle Selection 101 Cheat Sheet

Even Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzle

“Even flat-fan nozzles are utilized in banding applications (as opposed to broadcast spraying),” said TeeJet Technologies Manufacturer Representative, Bryan Fowler. “These tips will deliver an equal amount of spray across the entire width of the spray pattern to ensure even distribution.”

These nozzles do not produce a tapered edge and do not require overlap. The nozzle height and the spray angle both control the spray pattern width. Extended range flat-fan nozzles are designed to work under a much larger range of pressure compared to a regular flat-fan nozzle. This nozzle is recommended for the grower who is looking for uniform distribution and wants more drift control at lower pressures.

“We’ve recommended growers use the TurboDrop Venturi in combination with even flat-fan nozzles for over 20 years to provide a low-drift version of the even flat-fan,” said Greenleaf Technologies Regional Sales Manager, William Smart. “When combining the two, the even flat-fan should be double the size of the TurboDrop Venturi. The Venturi will control the flow rate, and the larger pattern tip will allow the air injection to work properly.”

Twin-Orifice Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzle

Twin-orifice flat-fan nozzles produce two spray patterns with one orifice angled 30 degrees forward and the other orifice angled 30 degrees backward. This nozzle is noted for spraying smaller droplets in both spray patterns providing more penetration and coverage.

“Twin pattern tips are designed to deliver two inline patterns, roughly 60 degrees apart,” Fowler said. “This enables the spray to approach the surface area of the target from two angles and improve the chances of thorough coverage.”

Off-Center Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzle

Another new fan design is the off-center fan, which is used for boom-end nozzles so the swath is uniform from end-to-end and not tapered at the edges.

“The off-center (OC) nozzle will distribute the spray laterally, away from the end of the boom,” Fowler said. “This will help it to reach an area beyond the length of the boom. This could be used as a boom-end nozzle, delivering herbicide to spray fence rows or ditches.”

“Off-center nozzles are also often used in orchards and vineyards to spray along the tree trunk line or strip spray under a grape vine,” Smart said. “This is another situation where using Greenleaf Tech Venturis to convert conventional off-center nozzles to air-injected OC nozzles would help prevent drift from affecting trees and vines or prevent overspray along a fence row.”

Air-Induction Flat-Fan Sprayer Nozzle

The air-induction nozzle is noted for producing large drops through the use of a venturi air aspirator. The venturi draws the air into the nozzle, and then the air is mixed with the solution to create larger spray droplets, which reduces drift potential.

“Air-induction (AI) spray tips are ideal for situations that involve spraying solutions that have little tolerance for drift,” Fowler said. “Typically, this will involve herbicides that could possibly harm non-target plants. Although air induction spray tips vary in style and pattern, the primary characteristic is that they have a greatly reduced quantity of drift prone droplets compared to the non-AI versions of the same tip. Many are available in both single and twin patterns.”

Why Flat Fan Sprayer Nozzles Are the Best for Applying Herbicide

Flat fan nozzles produce uniform patterns when correctly overlapped, which makes them the best choices for applying herbicides.

Flood Sprayer Nozzle

Flood nozzles are similar to full-cone nozzles in that they produce large droplets and their ideal overlap is 100 percent. The flood nozzle produces a spray pattern that is similar to the even flat-fan nozzle but emits larger droplets.

“Flood style tips have large open passages and will not easily plug,” Fowler said. “Many times, this tip is utilized as a pre-emerge application tip. The large droplets are very good for soil applied products in broadcast applications.”

Hollow-Cone Sprayer Nozzle

Hollow cone nozzles provide more complete coverage of plants due to the smaller droplets it emits. Looking at the spray pattern, the hollow cone is formed by a circular orifice that creates a cone shape pattern with an open center.

“This style of tip is typically utilized in fruit and vegetable spraying,” Fowler said. “In these applications, insecticide and fungicide application are very common and the requirement for thorough coverage dictates the need for smaller droplets. These applications are either directed over the top and sides of the target (vegetables) or sprayed into a wind current to carry the spray into the canopy; this would be typical of an air blast sprayer in fruit trees.”

“Hollow cones are often misused in broadcast applications,” Smart said. “They were designed for spraying over the row in combinations of two to three nozzles. They can also be used for banding applications like an even flat-fan.”

Full-Cone Sprayer Nozzle

The full-cone nozzle utilizes the same circular-shaped orifice as the hollow cone except this nozzle produces output through the entire cone spray pattern, as opposed to the hollow cone. The full-cone nozzle produces

larger droplets making this nozzle more drift resistant.

“Full-cone nozzles are frequently used in tobacco spraying,” Fowler said. “This is typically for applying chemicals in a directed pattern for sucker control. The full-cone nozzle creates a coarse spray over the top of the plant so that it will run down the plant to the buds.”

Check out our white paper for more information about nozzle selection or contact your local Apache Sprayer Dealer.

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Employee Spotlight: Meet Jeremy Hurt

Twenty years is a long time, especially in terms of employment with one company. However, for Jeremy Hurt, Senior Application Specialist at ET Works, it seems like just yesterday that he was starting his first role with the company.

Employee Spotlight: Jeremy Hurt

“It was May 1997, when I first started at ET Works,” Hurt recalled. “The first Apache Sprayer prototype was done, so they were working on completing the first machine — it was maybe half done at the time. My first job was doing a little testing with the prototype and then I helped finish the first sold unit.”

He has come a long way since then. In the 20 years Hurt has been with ET, he’s taken five different positions within the company.

“My first two positions were all about building Apache Sprayers and getting to know the product firsthand,” Hurt said. “After a few years, I helped with technical service and warranty claims. Once we started incorporating more precision ag technology, I helped train dealers and customers. Now I have more of a product support role.”

Hurt’s current role changes with the seasons. In the spring, he focuses on the Sprayer Clinic program, hosted by Apache dealerships throughout the Midwest, but once the busy season hits (around April-July) he functions more as a technical support resource for dealers and customers.

“I do a lot of training in the busy season for technical support,” Hurt said. “Once the summer calms down we hit the road again for the ‘show season’ to help connect with new customers and spread the word. We talk about the product as a whole with our current customers and try to visit with new ones too.”

As a former farm kid, Hurt has a deep appreciation for agriculture. Though he no longer farms, he enjoys being able to see the variety of farming styles while traveling for Apache.

“We get to see all types of farms and landscapes,” Hurt said. “We’ve traveled to Washington, Oregon, of course down South and out East. I’ve been to Nova Scotia, Eastern and Western Canada — we’ve just been everywhere. It’s a big bonus to get to go out and see all of the different types of farming.”

In the winter, Hurt mostly stays put to help with in-house dealer training sessions.

“During dealer trainings, we go over how the electrical and hydraulic systems work and how to better service customers in the field,” Hurt explained.

When asked why he’s stayed so long, Hurt says it’s a combination of the people and his history with the Apache Sprayer.

“We’re a pretty close-knit group here, so you kind of feel like a family, but really it’s the Apache itself,” Hurt explained. “I love the sprayer and it’s been a big part of my life — helping to develop it and watch it grow, that’s what has really kept me here.”

Hurt looks forward to the continued growth of the Apache brand and his future work with new ET products.

“I kind of joke with everyone; I say I’ve had about every job here except writing the paychecks,” Hurt said. “It’s pretty fun looking back on all of it — being a part of Apache from the start — I get a sense of accomplishment from it all.”

Check out the Apache Blog for more articles and up-to-date industry news.

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Customer Spotlight: Meet the Brorman Family

It takes a lot of determination and passion to be a successful farmer in the Texas panhandle, and we’ve found these qualities to be true in the Brorman household. Greg Brorman and his family live in Deaf Smith County where conditions are extreme and neighbors are scarce. The county area is 1,500 square miles (a little larger than the state of Rhode Island) with an average of five people per square kilometer. The area typically sees less than 19 inches of annual rainfall and temperatures ranging from -22 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit so it’s no surprise there’s usually more beef production than crops.

But, for the farmers that commit to planting, equipment shopping is about getting the most for their dollar and care less about the color of their machine. Greg Brorman purchased his first Apache in 2009 and has owned one ever since. His family and neighbors immediately took notice. To date, there are now five members of the Brorman family who own an Apache and a total of 13 Apache sprayers in the county. In fact, they fit right in — 1,200 gallon tanks and 132 foot booms are normal where fields are sometimes 1.5 miles long.

“There are still guys running Deere and Case, but a lot of guys around here have gone to Apache because of the economics of it – the price – you can get an Apache much easier than a Deere or Case and they all do the same job,” Brorman said. “Plus, the mechanics of the Apache are really simple.”

So, to the Brorman’s we salute you. We are thankful and proud to be able to call you Apache customers and we look forward to keeping you in economical, red iron for the years to come.

– Matt Hays, Equipment Technologies CEO

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