Meet Jim Bates, ET Works’ First Employee

We are proud to introduce you to ET Works employee #1, Jim Bates. That’s right, Jim was the first employee of ET at its start in 1996.Jim Bates

Jim came to ET from a large Midwestern farmer cooperative where he was in charge of all sales and witnessed the increasing demand among farmers to purchase and own a self-propelled sprayer. The demand could not be met because there were only a few manufacturers on the market and none of them were focused on selling their products to farmers. Enter Apache – simple, rugged and reliable sprayers for farmers. Jim is our most famous ambassador preaching the virtues of mechanical drive.

Jim’s early work at ET was important to our success. He was able to survey thousands of growers to help understand what they wanted in a sprayer. He served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for several years and was responsible for finding and bringing on board many of our most successful independent dealers in North America.

In many ways, Jim embodies the spirit of ET and its employees. He is passionate about our product, the company and our people. He gains great satisfaction from helping to drive ET’s success. He is well known throughout the sprayer world, and his passion for the company, professionalism and respect for others have gained him many friends over the years.

Jim also established our export business, including in such countries as Canada, Ukraine, Russia, and Australia and still travels often in his role as Export Manager for ET. We are proud that in 2009, only two years after entry into the market, Apache was the best-selling sprayer in Ukraine. However, Jim maintains the shortest commute to headquarters of any ET employee, living just .6 miles from our headquarters in Mooresville.

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Winter Sprayer Preparation Allows Farmers to ‘Spring’ Into Action

It might not seem like it as much of North America braces for the cold temperatures, snow and ice that comes with winter, but spring is coming. And with it, the start of crop season.

Senior application specialist at Equipment Technologies, Jeremy Hurt, advises farmers with self-propelled sprayers to inspect and perform necessary maintenance on their machines before pulling them out of the barn and heading to the field to apply pesticides.

“Many farmers will spend a few weeks preparing their planter for the spring,” Hurt said. “They also need to invest some time going over their sprayer. It’s too important a piece of machinery to ignore.”

Agricultural Sprayer Inspection

Most sprayer preparation can be completed in 8-10 hours. The inspection/service checklist should include engine, hydraulic and dropbox oils, air intakes, lights, accumulators, tire pressures, air conditioners and cab filters, chemical tanks, booms and spray nozzles, and on-board field computers.

Owner’s guides such as the Apache Operator’s Manual provide servicing recommendations and specifications for parts and fluids. Farmers should follow the owner’s manual when maintaining their sprayers.

“By reading the owner’s manual you’ll use the correct oils and at the correct levels, for example,” Hurt said. “You wouldn’t want to use regular oil when the manual calls for 80/90 weight.”

Left unchecked, air intakes can come with surprises: small animals, which use the tubes for winter shelter. “It’s easy to pull off the air cleaner and make sure there’s not a mouse or big bird’s nest. I’ve seen it happen several times,” Hurt said.

Sprayers equipped with accumulators – devices that cushion booms and the sprayer’s suspension as the machine rides over rough terrain – must be fully charged to operate at peak efficiency. Sprayer dealers are best equipped to test and service accumulators, Hurt said.

No farmer wants to find the air conditioner on his or her sprayer isn’t working on a hot day. Turn the system on to ensure the system is blowing cool air and have it serviced or repaired if it is not.

“When it comes to the wet system, you’ll want to check the product tank straps and make sure they are tight because they could have stretched over time,” Hurt said. “Also, check all your boom plumbing for leaks and cracks, and the clamps for tightness. That’s especially true if your machine is four or five years old.”

Booms also should be inspected for wear and tested for unfolding and folding, and adjusted for proper height. Again, refer to the machine’s owner’s manual.

“One of the last things you’ll want to do is verify your field computer’s operation,” Hurt said. “Get them out of the cold machine and into a warm shop or your house, plug them in and see if they’re working. You wouldn’t want to get caught on that first application run with a system that cannot collect field data.”

For more information and helpful tips, visit our Ask the Application Specialists and E-Help sections of our blog. You can also find a wealth of information on our Apache Sprayers Literature page.


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